Where will you be traveling in 2021? Maybe the question should be, where can you travel?
Let me first say that I am sharing information about what you can and can’t do at this point. I am not suggesting you take a cruise or tour or whatever. As always, you should do what you are comfortable doing. Again, I am only the messenger.
That said, let’s talk travel!
For sure this has been the hardest hit in the travel industry. Cruise lines were hoping to resume this summer due to all the safety protocols they have been working on for the last year, as well as the arrival of effective vaccines. Alas, the CDC will not green light them. The new date the CDC has given cruise lines is November 1, 2021. But fret not if you’re jonesing for a cruise, cruise lines have found a way around the CDC ban. Since the CDC only has jurisdiction in the U.S., some cruise lines are launching cruises from other places.
Royal Caribbean will sail for the first time in more than a year in May from Israel. This is fitting given that Israel is leading the world in getting its people vaccinated. Most of the country has already been vaccinated, so a “fully vaccinated” (meaning all crew and passengers must by fully vaccinated) cruise is no problem. In June, Royal Caribbean will sail from the Bahamas and will offer other Caribbean cruises this summer. So U.S. residents can fly to the Caribbean and board from there and then fly home at the end of the cruise. All passengers must be fully vaccinated and anyone under the age of 16 must produce a negative PCR test. Celebrity will launch in June from St. Maarten and Crystal will launch in July from the Bahamas. Other cruise lines, including Norwegian and Holland America, haven’t made their announcements yet but I suspect they will follow suit.
FYI: A PCR test stands for polymerase chain reaction test. This is a diagnostic test that determines if you are infected by analyzing a sample to see if it contains genetic material from the virus.
There’s been a lot of negative blow back on social media from angry cruisers about the “fully-vaccinated” mandate. I don’t really understand why since you can choose not to cruise if you don’t like their policies. But I’m not sure why anyone would not want to be as safe as possible on a ship typically carrying a huge number of people in close quarters (4,000+ passengers and 2,000+ crew)? Also, only a handful of the cruises offered are “fully-vaccinated. For those against the vaccine, there are other cruises offered.
Some countries are starting to open back up to Americans, here is a list to date of places U.S. citizens can go without having to quarantine or show a negative PCR test IF they have been vaccinated: ICELAND, POLAND, BELIZE, POLAND, ROMANIA, ESTONIA, GEORGIA, AND GREECE (as of 5/14/21). Keep checking to see if your destination has been added to this list as I expect more openings in May/June.
Americans are welcome in some places without a vaccine but proof of a negative PCR test must be provided: MEXICO, COSTA RICA, MALDIVES, AND SEYCHELLES. Again, keep checking for more destinations to be added to this list.
One good thing to come out of this is that airlines have now permanently waived change flight fees for all classes except basic economy (average cost is $150 if you need to change your flight for any reason). This may change with international flights but for now most airlines are honoring those flights as well. I recommend buying premium economy if you plan to fly as you will be able to change your flight without penalty. For example, Southwest is allowing passengers to rebook a flight for free for up to one year after your original ticket purchase.
Be sure to read the fine print before buying any ticket. Also, be sure you understand the difference between a travel credit and a flight credit. Plan to wear a mask for the rest of 2021 as it is unlikely President Biden is going to lift the federal mask mandate in 2021.
Plan ahead. Travel is going to be heavy in the latter part of 2021 as many of us are ready to get back out there. Expect beaches and national parks to be very busy. Theme parks will also be very popular. Disney is fully booked already on certain dates. Even cruise lines have wait lists for certain sailings. Hooray! This is good news! This signals a return to normalcy.
Also, don’t expect to find too many bargains. As travel ramps up, so do prices. I’m seeing close to normal pricing for most travel, including resorts, tours, and cruises. The best deals are still on airline tickets but I look for that to change by mid-to-late May.
Be sure to find out what the safety protocols will be where you will be going. Make sure you are willing and able to follow them before you book travel. For example, the U.S. government has a federal mask mandate on all public transit. Click here to learn more!
I will post again soon with more news. One last thing, March 30 is National Virtual Vacation Day. Since I founded it, I usually make a big deal out of it with giveaways and blogs, but not this year. The idea behind this event is that even if you don’t have the time or money to travel, you can still do so virtually and we all deserve that mental break. But after more than a year of virtual everything, I just can’t get excited about it, so we’ll get back to it next year.
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