BIG NEWS!!!: From November 14 – November 20, The World’s Weirdest Museums will be on sale for just $0.99! This is a countdown deal so the price starts at 0.99 and goes up to 1.99 and then 2.99 before returning to its original price of $4.99 by the end of the week. THIS TITLE IS FREE FOR KINDLE UNLIMITED SUBSCRIBERS FOR A LIMITED TIME!
The World’s Weirdest Museums is the first book in my new WEIRD & WONDERFUL SERIES. It was fun to research and write and I promise it is a fun read for travelers, armchair travelers, and anyone who likes weird stuff.
Discover the wackiest and most intriguing museums in the world, such as…

- an underwater art museum (literally!)
- a museum of death
- an alien museum
- a mummy museum
- a sex museum
- an underground museum (literally!)
- a funeral history museum
- a spy museum
- a voodoo museum
- a condom museum
- a museum of cryptozoology
- a torture museum
- a toilet museum
- a museum of sorcery & witchcraft
- …and many more!
All of these weird and wonderful museums are open to the public and some are FREE! While some may sound silly, most have many fascinating and fun exhibits. Some are even world renowned and visited by thousands of tourists annually.
Virtual tour links, visitor information, weird facts, and lots of photographs are included.
Click here to download dozens of free travel reports!
Click here to see a complete list of all my books!
Click here to listen to my show, Über Adventures Show: Wonders of the World Travelers Need to See!
Click here to visit my main author site, which has just had a major makeover so it is fresh and new!
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