The National Park Service is having a HUGE sale on their Senior Lifetime National Park Pass. I say “sale” but what’s really happening is that the park service is raising admission costs for seniors. It used to be that seniors could buy a pass at a heavily discounted rate, but not anymore! So if you are 62 or older and have any interest in visiting America’s national parks, you need to buy a park pass ASAP!
Here’s what you need to know:
What: A Lifetime NP Pass is what it says. It is a one-time fee for a pass that is good for a lifetime. So even if you won’t be visiting any parks this year, get the pass now while you can lock in this price.
Deadline: August 27
Cost: $10 (after 8/27 the price goes up to $80 which means that seniors will now pay what other adults pay–no discounts; Orders must be postmarked by 8/28 and there is a $10 processing fee if purchasing by mail or online, but there is NO fee if you buy the pass in person)
Age Restrictions: This pass is only for seniors 62 and older. Valid proof of age is required at time of purchase.
How: You can buy in person right on the spot at one of their designated sites or through their store. The wait time is 8-12 weeks if you buy online due to strong demand. There is no wait time if you buy the pass in person. The list of designated sites is available on the store link.
Who: If you are military, permanently disabled, a U.S. 4th grader, or a volunteer who has contributed 250 hours, you are exempt. You do NOT need a pass to enter our parks.
To get a list of all national parks or to learn more about the National Park Service, click here!
A Few Fun Facts About Some of Our Parks…
*There are no roads in Lake Clark National Park (Alaska)!
*Some rocks in the Grand Canyon National Park date back more than two billion years!
*Wrangell St. Elias National Park (Alaska) is biggest than nine U.S. states!
*Alligators measuring up to fifteen feet long are commonly seen in Florida’s Everglades National ParkZ
*The most visited park is the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with more than ten million visitors annually!
*Our national parks system was established more than 100 years ago!
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