Are you interested in traveling more but are not independently wealthy? Here Are Five Places That Will Pay You To Teach English (My Pick? Costa Rica!)
1. Korea
Korea is quickly becoming one of the world’s most financially flourishing countries, positioning itself as an economic powerhouse and as the technologic destination. With such positioning, the demand for English teachers have grown dramatically over the past five years. There is one main decision to make when teaching English in Korea; public or private schools. Public schools are run by the Korean Ministry of Education, whereas Private schools (or Hagwons) are, in essence a private entity and run like a business, which means longer working hours, smaller class sizes and evening/weekend shifts.
Level of education/certification required: TEFL Certificate
Average salary (approx.):
Public (First year teachers) – $1,500USD >$1,700USD a month
Public (Experienced) – $1,700USD > $2,300USD a month
Private (First year) – $1,700USD>$1,800USD a month
Private (Experienced) – $1,800USD>$2,600USD a month
Cost of living (compared to USD):
Accommodation/Rent (Furnished single occupancy apartment) is generally included.
Groceries: 18.08% higher
Internet: 54.70 % lower
Transport: 51.76 % lower (one way ticket)
Description of teaching experience:
Locations: Both major cities and rural area placement
Teaching hours:
> Public 22-24 hours a week (generally 08:30 – 16:30, Mon-Fri)
> Private 30 hours a week (09:00 – 18:00 / 15:00 – 22:00)
Vacation Days:
> Public 18 days & 13-15 national holidays
> Private 7-10 days & 13-15 national holidays
Class Sizes:
> Public 25-30 students per class
> Private 10-15 students per class
2. Japan
Japan has long been the destination of choice for intrepid English teachers. A country at the forefront of global economics and technology, steeped deeply in culture and tradition. This dichotomy combined with a welcoming and inquisitive society has long fascinated outsiders. Similar to Korea, there are Public and Private teaching positions available. All applicants for public school teaching positions are required to sit an interview after passing initial screenings phases (resume and telephone interview).
Level of education/certification required: TEFL Certificate. Additional training is generally provided.
Average salary (approx.):
Public – $3,000USD a month
Private – $3,000USD a month (full-time), $1,500USD a month (part-time)
Cost of living (compared to USD):
Accommodation/Rent: 27.45% lower than US
Groceries: 23.32% higher
Internet: 32.92% lower
Transport: 17.74% lower (one way ticket)
Description of teaching experience:
Locations: Both major cities and rural area placement
Teaching hours:
> Public 29.5 hours a week
> Private 26.6 hours a week (full time), 13.3 hours a week (part-time)
Vacation Days:
> Public 3-4 weeks in August, 2 weeks Dec/Jan & All National Holidays
> Private 10 working days & All National Holidays
Class Sizes:
> Public 25-30 students per class
> Private 1-15 students per class
3. Thailand
With travel and hospitality industries booming across Southeast Asia, there has never been a better time, or higher demand for English teachers in Thailand. And what better a place for some cultural immersion and remote living than the villages and small towns of Thailand. ESL teachers will lead classes for a diverse range of students, from children and pre-schools to adults and working professionals. Plus, it’s Thailand, have you seen the photos of Phi Phi Islands?
Level of education/certification required: A bachelor’s degree and TEFL or CELTA Certificate is advised. International schools require teaching qualifications from home country & minimum of 2 years experience.
Average salary (approx):
$500-$1200USD a month
Cost of living (compared to USD):
Accommodation/Rent:151.14% lower than US
Groceries: 59.75% lower
Internet: 191.83% lower
Transport: 296.10% lower (one way ticket)
Description of teaching experience:
Locations: Mainly Bangkok, Phuket and Chang Mai
Teaching hours:
35-40 hours a week
Vacation Days:
Varies from school to school
Class Sizes:
Varies from school to school
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