Whether you choose to travel right now or not is a personal decision. However, if you are going stir crazy and are interested in relatively safe options, here is my advice on five safe travel options during these unsafe times:
- Book a private vacation home rental using AirBnB, Vrbo, or Getaway. Be sure to read the fine print regarding cancellations and refunds, as well as surcharges.
- Book a “socially distant” hotel resort. This is a large property that has lots of open spaces and plenty of public areas to permit social distancing, such as The Sanctuary on South Carolina’s Kiawah Island, The Cloisters in Georgia, and The Grand at Moon Palace, Cancun. These properties are also clean certified, which means they are following all sanitizing protocols and even exceeding requirements.
- Go camping or RVing. Plan an outdoor adventure, such as exploring a state or national park or a beach retreat. Go somewhere remote or at an off-peak time or reserve a spot that is far away from the most popular (crowded) spots.
- Enjoy a train trip with a private sleeping compartment. These come with bathrooms and meals so you don’t have to go to the dining car or share space with anyone outside of your group. And this is a fun way to explore America. Amtrak is currently offering some really good deals, including no cancellation fees, and has many different intriguing routes to choose from. Click here to see all the route and destination options!
- Work with a travel agent. They are knowledgeable about state quarantines, safety, refund policies, and more. Plus, it doesn’t cost you anything for their expertise and invaluable assistance! If you are a member of AAA, you may use their travel agents as part of your membership privileges. Or contact the American Society of Travel Advisors for agents in your area.
You should look up the latest travel news before booking and departure. What is open or closed? Is there a quarantine requirement? What do you need to know? You should wear facial covering in public areas, such as lobbies and shuttle buses. You may be required to wear them depending on your destination. For example, many theme parks opened this month and all are requiring facial covering. Speaking of theme parks, it is important to note that Disney is doing everything right to keep their employees and park visitors safe. That said, Florida is still a hot spot for virus outbreaks.
If you’re one of those people who won’t wear masks, get over it or stay home! There is scientific proof masks protect all of us. No one enjoys wearing a mask, but we do so in the short term so that we won’t have to in the long term.
Practice social distancing whenever possible. Almost everybody has hand sanitizing stations (rub in for 30 seconds) but carry some with you just in case and wash your hands (for 20 seconds) when possible.
I recommend avoiding indoor dining for the time being unless you feel safe doing so. Pick places that offer outdoor dining or grab take out and enjoy a picnic. Or cook if you have the facilities and are so inclined. Personally, I don’t consider that a vacation but you may enjoy shopping, cooking, and cleaning!
As you probably know, cruise lines are not allowed to set sail until September (if then), except for small boat river cruising. When cruises do return, ships will be much safer than they were before. Some things will change (like buffets), but that is the price we pay for safety. Americans are not welcome some places, like Canada and most of Europe, until at least August. Flying internationally is not recommended right now anyway if it is non-essential. Be sure to check what the situation is where you want to go.
But what about flying domestically? If you are careful, it is safer than you might think. Airlines use a High Efficiency Particle Air Filtration System that captures 99.9% of virus particles. Masks are now required in airports and on planes and this policy is finally being enforced. For added safety, avoid moving around the plane, use the lavatory as little as possible, and sanitize all surfaces, such as your tray table. You should be fine, but please note that the longer the flight and the more people on board the greater the risk.
If you don’t feel comfortable traveling right now, try to create a fun staycation with special food and activities. And give yourself a mental boost by planning an awesome 2021 vacation!
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